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HEADSCARF: vintage


Oh my goodness! These pants are amazing!

I'm trying to expand more on my forties wardrobe since I haven't really been wearing circle skirts as of late. A year or two ago I bought these pants in a hot pink color but then I outgrew them! When these pastel pink pants hit the store I knew I had to have them. They are so soft and very airy which is perfect for the California summer. I don't get too hot in them even when its 85 degrees outside.

I've been working so hard these past couple weeks and I've been really goddamn stressed. I'm on the hunt for a new job because my current one is literally driving my insane. I think my coworkers probably have a coup called "Fuck with Amanda's Sanity Club" and they collectively are scheming of ways to ruin my life. But all jokes aside, somethings got to change before I completely unravel.

But getting pretties in the mail never ceases to put me in a good mood. Especially when all my pretties match my nails! The Bait Foot Wear Ione Pink shoes are my all time favorites. I got them when I was fresh out of high school, and then I bought another pair a size up recently when I grew out of them! They are so comfy and stylish, I walked many miles in my last Iones.

Also, my tattoo is healing really well! It matches all my pink things so well! My parents don't hate it too much either which is nice.

Now, off to pass out resumes, ugh!

Miss Crazy Summer

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